623-584-5808 adm.spscw@gmail.com

Welcome to your Sun City West Posse

Committed to our Community


The Posse is open with staff available including a receptionist and an Officer of the Day. 

Masks are required on entering the building.

Congratulations to the new 2021 Commander, Richard DeMeyer.

If you have an emergency, please call 911. The Posse number is 623-584-5808.

The Posse is doing normal activities serving the residents of SCW while also continuing to follow all CDC guidelines.


everywhere, all the time!”

  S un City West is one of the safest communities in Arizona and the United States. The ability to make this claim comes in part from the dedicated volunteers who belong to an organization called; the Sun City West Posse. It is important to know that the Posse works closely with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. The Posse program does not engage in law enforcement. Sheriff’s deputies are called to handle law enforcement issues.The Posse is the eyes and the ears that provide the day to day patrolling coverage and theft deterrent that comes from having our patrol cars on the street virtually 24 hours per day. That means a much safer community since the Posse is your first line of security as part of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. In fact, beyond patrols, there are many other free services your Posse offers you. Check out the other services offered by your Posse on this Web Site or stop into the Posse Office located at 20450 W Stardust Blvd. You may want to be part of the Posse by joining us (we’re an all-volunteer organization made up of Sun City West residents only) or by being one of the hundreds of Sun City West residents who also support the Posse with their donations.

Contact Us



Located: 20450 North Stardust Blvd
West R H Johnson Blvd

Phone: 623-584-5808

Email: adm.spscw@gmail.com

Office is open 8 to 4 Monday thru Friday,   
8 Am to Noon on Saturday (Office closed Saturday during the summer until Sept. 3)
Call to the Posse answered by a person 5:30 AM to 11:30 PM
Commander by appointment
Recruiter – during office hours